The Cold Within poem's workbook solution

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The Cold Within poem's workbook solution

I. Read the extract given below and answer the question that follows:

(i) Which figure of speech is used in the line "In bleak and bitter cold"? What special significance do the adjective bleak and bitter have?
Ans. Alliteration is used in the line "In bleak and bitter cold". Six humans are caught against their will in "bleak and bitter cold", but none of them uses the wooden stick each one has. The cold is bleak and bitter because these six humans are not warm or friendly with one another. The atmosphere is bleak because there is no hope for anyone to survive.

(ii) Who are the people referred to in the above extract? Why do they need logs?
Ans. The six people who are different from each other on the basis of races Envie revenge etc. are referred in the above extracts. They were need the logs because they needed logs of wood to keep the fire burning.

(iii) What character traits would you associate with "the first one" and "the next" man? Why?
The first person who is a woman is prejudiced when she notices that one of the faces around the fire is black. She, therefore, hold her log back. The next man is a bigot who on seeing that one of the men in the group does not belong to the same church (i.e religion community) as his. This fact prevents himself from using his log to renew the fire.

(iv) What does the first one hold back and why?
The first person holds back her log because she was guided by her prejudiced attitude towards the black man. So she does not use the log to prevent the black man from getting its warmth.

(v) State how the following line is connected with the theme of the poem:
    Their dying fire in need of logs
 Metaphorically, it can be understood as the fire of compassion in their hearts that is dying. To keep it burning what they need is a log of wood, but they do not use it, Thus, by the end, each one of them dies from "the cold within".  The outside cold could have been taken care of only if they were not cold from within.

II. Read the extract given below and answer the question that follows:

(i)  What is meant by ‘tattered clothes’? What does this expression symbolise? Why does the ‘third one’ give his coat a hitch?
Ans. ITattered clothes means tore or racked clothes. It symbolises that person is a poor man. To protect himself from freezing cold he gives his coat a hitch. He does not use his log to prevent the reach man sitting there from getting warm.

(ii) The "third one" doesn't want to use his log to warm the rich. Why?
Ans. The man seems to be a victim of discrimination based on the economic standard of different individuals. He is envious of the rich man consider him as 'idle'. He is prejudiced and thus does not use his log to prevent the rich man sitting there from getting warm.

(iii) What thoughts preoccupy the rich man’s mind? What does it say about him?
Ans. The rich man, obvious to reality, thinking that how to safeguard the wealth he possessed from poor man who is considered as lazy and aimless. It reflects the thinking of rich people toward the poor and it also refect the class bias of rich man.

(iv) What prejudice the black man has from whom?
Ans. The black man is filled with revenge for the white ma. Based on the colour of the skin, the racism he considers the white man different from himself.

(v)  Explain the following lines:
       For all, he saw in his stick of wood
       Was a chance to spite the white.

Ans. It means that the black man's face looks revengeful and the only thing visible to him in his stick is a chance to harm the white man.


III. Read the extract given below and answer the question that follows:

(i) Explain the phrase "forlorn group". Which figure of speech is used here?
Ans. It is ironical and sad that these six people sitting together in a group are "forlorn". Their cold-heartedness invites death in the end and they die which their logs held tight in their hands. the figure of speech is used here an 'oxymoron' in which opposite ideas are put together

(ii) What game is the poet referring to while mentioning the last man of the group?
AnsPoet referring the game of "selfishness"(give and take). The last man of this lonely group does nothing except something for his benefit, was seemed to be a selfish business. He gives only to those who give him something back in return

(iii) What "proof of human sin" is being referred to here? Explain.
Ans. Their logs being held tight in their hands invite death. It is nothing but proof of human sin. The poem ends with a note that these six people die not from the freezing cold outside but of the cold within them, lack of humanity, and treatment of discrimination.

(iv) The port says that the characters "died from the cold within". What does he mean?
Ans. Owning to their prejudices against one another, it becomes difficult for them to put their stick into the fire. Discrimination, racism and bigotry prove futile as none of the six people says alive by the end. Each perishes, not because of cold outside but of the cold-heartedness within each.

(v) What message is the poet trying to convey in the poem? How does he succeed in carrying out his task?
Ans. The message that the poet tries to give is that discriminatory attitude and bigotry that humans have against one another on the basis of race, class and religion is futile. It is self-destruction. The six-person in the poem can be seen as representative of the whole human race. It is said that these people are overtaken by the feeling of revenge, spite and anger to such an extent that eventually these prejudices lead to their death. Warmth and compassion for each other are not seen in them.


  1. Well done
  2. Thanquee soo much
    1. Thank you so much
    2. Thank you so was helpful ��
    3. Glad to help you🧡
  3. It helped me a lot during my exam time....thanks..
    1. glad to help you
  4. Bwal ha ba
  5. Thank you so much it proves to be very helpful during exam ❤❤
    1. Glad to help you. It meant lot for me
  6. tqsm for the answers
    1. welcome buddy
  7. tq
  8. Thanku
    1. You most Welcome buddy...🧡🧡
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