The Bangle Sellers Poem's latest workbook answer, treasure trove poems workbook answers, The Heart Of The Tree workbook answers treasure trove, The Bangle Sellers Poem's in Hindi, The Bangle Sellers Poem's summary line by line
I. Read the extract given below and answer the question that follows:
(i) What is referred to as "Shining loads"? Who all are its prospective buyers?
Ans. The shining bangles that have been carried by the bangle sellers to the temple fair for sale are referred to as shining loads. Women of every age group are their prosp[ective buyers.(ii) Bangle sellers could sell their goods anywhere. Why do they choose to sell them at the temple fair?
Ans. Temple fair is the place which is visited by all age groups, here the bangles sellers can sell their goods to the 'happy daughter and happy wives'.( iii) Which figure of speech is used in the line, "Rainbow-tinted circle of light "? Explain what is linked to the happiness of daughters and wives?
Ans. The figure of speech used is a metaphor. The multicolour bangles have been linked to the dreams, truthfulness and aspirations of a happy daughter and happy wives.(iv) What role do the bangle sellers play in a traditional Indian set-up, according to this extract?
Ans. The bangle sellers are the carrier pf these 'shining loads' that glorified the idea of Indian women hood. They try to convenience the buyers of the spiritual and symbolic importance of the bangle in the life of a happy daughter, and happy wives. The bangles are symbolic of different stages of womanhood.(v) Explain how the poet uses her descriptive skills to present facts. Give two examples from the extract.
Ans. The bangle sellers visit the temple fair to sell bangles as women of every age would be present their The poet’s descriptive skills are reflected in the way she has expressed the different stages in a traditional Indian woman’s life. For example, in a single stanza, she had described bangles as ‘shining loads’, ‘rainbow-tinted circles of light’ and ‘lustrous tokens of radiant lives.’II. Read the extract given below and answer the question that follows:
(i) What types of bangles are befitting a maiden's wrist? Why silver and blue colours compared to the mountain mist?
Ans. Silver and blue colours of the bangle are befitting a maiden's wrist. They are compared to the mountain mist as they symbolise the freshness and the blooming beauty of maiden's growing age.(ii) In what way are the bud see to dream? Which figure of speech is used in "the buds dream"?
Ans. The buds are set to dream on the peaceful bank of the stream flowing through a wood. They represent the dreams of a growing up and blossoming like beautiful flowers. The poet has used a simile to compare bangles to buds.
(iii) Give the meaning of:
"Some are flushed like the buds that dream
On the tranquil brow of a woodland stream,"?
Ans. In this stanza, poet means that Some bangles are bright like the buds that grow on the edge of a quiet peaceful stream passing through a woodland ie a land covered with tree and bushes. (iv) What is meant by the 'limpid glory of newborn leaves'? What are the 'newborn leaves' symbolic of?
Ans. It means newborn leaves which are transparent, clear and fresh. It is symbolic of the freshness of unmarried girls. The maidens like the newborn leaves or dewdrops are pure, fresh and chaste. They are yet new to see this world.(v) State the colours of the bangles meant for a maiden. What do these colours symbolise?
Ans. Silver and blue bangles are meant for unmarried girls as the mountain mist, bangles flushed like buds, and bangles transparent and fresh like new-born leaves are meant for a maiden. They symbolize the purity, innocence, and freshness of her maidenhoodIII. Read the extract given below and answer the question that follows:
(i) What is being compared to "filed of sunlit corn"? Why?
Ans. Golden or yellow coloured bangles, suitable for a bride on her bridal morning are compared to fields of sunlight corn. Because, the corn fields- a proof of mother nature's fertility symbolic of the fertility of a young girl getting married.(ii) What do you understand by the phrases "bridal laughter" and "bridal tear"? With what have they been compared in the extract?
Ans. " Bridal laughter" refers to the happiness and blissfulness a bride experiences while getting married, "Bridal tear" suggestive of the sadness that accompanies a bride while leaving her parental abode.These phrases are compared to the bangles suitable for a bride, which are luminous, bright and tinkling. The bangles are symbolic of her entry into a new life.
(iii) Which figure of speech is used in these two lines? Explain with examples.
Some, like the flame of her marriage fire,
Or, rich with the hue of her heart’s desire
Ans. The poet has used two similes in order to compare the colour of the bride's bangles to the intensity of her passion. Ex:-Some bangles are golden yellow like the flame of a bride's marriage fire, whereas some are rich, red and bright like the passion of her heart.
(iv) Bring out the relevance of the line:
Some, like the flame of her marriage fire
Ans. A bride feels the warmth of love and fire of passion in her heart at the time of her marriage.The colour of the bangles suitable for a woman on her wedding day is compared to the reddish-yellow flame of marriage around which the bride takes marriage vows with her groom. The flame-like colour of bangles is appropriate to symbolise the flame of love in marriage.
Purple is a colour which indicates the power, authority, pride and dignity and gold-flecked grey is more of a sober colour which indicates experience and wisdom. Thus, the Women wearing purple bangles has gained maturity, reared all her children with love and at last, has achieved the fullness of her role as a wife and mother.
(iii) Explain briefly the following lines:
Ans. The lines talk about the phase of women's life. She as a maiden turned bride becomes a proud mother and responsible wife, full of experience and wisdom. These bangles are suitable for a mother who has cherished, loves, blessed and cradled har sons and for a wife who takes care of her household and site at her husband's side while worshipping.
Rainbow-tinted bangles are symbolic of different shades of womanhood.
The blue and silver coloured bangles like the blue and silver mist of mountains; shades of pink of yet to blossom flowers or the clear dew drops on newborn leaves are suitable for young maidens.
The golden coloured like the holy fire around which the bride takes marriage vows and the golden coloured bangles, compared to yellow sunlit cornfields are suitable for a bride.
The purple and golden flecked grey bangles are suitable for a woman who has journeyed through life midway.
(v) Wedding becomes befitting occasions to wear bangles. In what ways does the poet associate bangles with a bride?
Ans. The poet associates bangles with a bride's love and passion. There are also bangles clear and tinkling that symbolize her laughter and her tears. Each stage of an Indian woman’s life is described according to the colour of bangles suitable at that stage from a dreamy maiden to an excited bride and finally to a mature matriarch. The bangles also have the colour of ‘her heart’s desire’ which is suggestive of dreams and hopes of a newly wedded bride.IV. Read the extract given below and answer the question that follows:
(i) For whom are the ‘purple and gold-flecked grey’ bangles suitable for? Which phase of their lives is symbolised by these bangles?
Ans. The shining bangles that has been carried by the bangle sellers to the temple fair for sale are referred to as shining loads. Women of every age groups are their prosp[ective buyers.(ii) Discuss the use of colour imagery in the above extract?
Ans. Colours represent various moods and aspects of life. It is a powerful means to express human feelings. The imagery of "rainbow-tinted" bangles is used to refer to multicoloured bangles pointing towards the hopes, dreams, youthfulness and aspiration of a woman.Purple is a colour which indicates the power, authority, pride and dignity and gold-flecked grey is more of a sober colour which indicates experience and wisdom. Thus, the Women wearing purple bangles has gained maturity, reared all her children with love and at last, has achieved the fullness of her role as a wife and mother.
(iii) Explain briefly the following lines:
"Whose hands have cherished whose love has blest
And cradled fair sons on her faithful breast,"?
Ans. The lines talk about the phase of women's life. She as a maiden turned bride becomes a proud mother and responsible wife, full of experience and wisdom. These bangles are suitable for a mother who has cherished, loves, blessed and cradled har sons and for a wife who takes care of her household and site at her husband's side while worshipping. (iv) What special significance does phase "faithful pride" hold in the extract?
Ans. ‘Faithful pride’ hold special significant phrase in the life of a woman who has ‘journeyed through life midway’; she has been a loving daughter, a happy bride; a responsible wife and mother. Her experiences have made her a perfect India woman. She has been productive and fecund for her family and thus ‘serves her household in fruitful pride.(v) Comment on the changes in the life of a woman vis-à-vis the colour of her bangles.
Ans. The poem The Bangle sellers is an expression of different stages in a woman's life in traditional Indian society. the pot I Sarojini Naidu compare the changes in the life of a woman vis-à-vis the colour of her bangles.Rainbow-tinted bangles are symbolic of different shades of womanhood.
The blue and silver coloured bangles like the blue and silver mist of mountains; shades of pink of yet to blossom flowers or the clear dew drops on newborn leaves are suitable for young maidens.
The golden coloured like the holy fire around which the bride takes marriage vows and the golden coloured bangles, compared to yellow sunlit cornfields are suitable for a bride.
The purple and golden flecked grey bangles are suitable for a woman who has journeyed through life midway.