Daffodils Poem's Workbook Solution

Daffodils poem's in Hindi explanation, Daffodils Poem's critical appreciation, Daffodils Poem's figure of speech, Daffodils Poem's theme, Daffodils Poem's symbolic meaning explanation, ICSE Treasure Trove Workbook Solution, Beeta publication, Evergreen publication, MSB publication, ICSE class 9,10,11 and 12 workbook solution. ICSE Treasure Trove Workbook Solution, Daffodils Poem's questions and answers icse 2020-2021, Daffodils Poem's questions and answers icse hub, Daffodils poem questions and answers pdf, Daffodils Poem's workbook answers icse treasure trove, Daffodils Poem's icse workbook answers, Daffodils Poem's workbook question answers, treasure trove workbook answers of Daffodils poem, Daffodils poem answer key, Daffodils Poem's workbook answers icse hub, Daffodils poem workbook question answers, Daffodils Poem's questions and answers pdf, Daffodils Poem's evergreen workbook answers, Daffodils Poem's questions, and answers icse hub, treasure trove short stories workbook answers Daffodils Poem's, Daffodils Poem's questions and answers icse 2019, daffodils workbook answers treasure trove, daffodils poem questions answers class 7, daffodils poem questions answers class 7 oxford, treasure trove poems workbook answers, daffodils poem multiple-choice questions, the patriot workbook answers icse hub, how do the daffodils outdo the waves
Daffodils poem's in Hindi explanation, Daffodils Poem's critical appreciation, Daffodils Poem's figure of speech, Daffodils Poem's theme, Daffodils Poem's symbolic meaning explanation, ICSE Treasure Trove Workbook Solution, Beeta publication, Evergreen publication, MSB publication, ICSE class 9,10,11 and 12 workbook solution. ICSE Treasure Trove Workbook Solution, Daffodils Poem's questions and answers icse 2020-2021, Daffodils Poem's questions and answers icse hub, Daffodils poem questions and answers pdf, Daffodils  Poem's workbook answers icse treasure trove, Daffodils  Poem's icse workbook answers, Daffodils  Poem's workbook question answers, treasure trove workbook answers of Daffodils poem, Daffodils poem answer key, Daffodils Poem's workbook answers icse hub, Daffodils poem workbook question answers, Daffodils  Poem's questions and answers pdf, Daffodils  Poem's evergreen workbook answers, Daffodils Poem's questions, and answers icse hub, treasure trove short stories workbook answers Daffodils Poem's, Daffodils Poem's questions and answers icse 2019, daffodils workbook answers treasure trove, daffodils poem questions answers class 7, daffodils poem questions answers class 7 oxford, treasure trove poems workbook answers, daffodils poem multiple-choice questions, the patriot workbook answers icse hub, how do the daffodils outdo the waves

Daffodils are like milky way

I. Read the extract given below and answer the question that follows:

(i) Who has been referred to as ‘I’ in the first line of the extract? Where do you think was he wandering?

Ans. The poet William Worthsword is referred to as 'l' in the first line of the extract. The poet was wandering alone near a lake at Grasmere, in England.

(ii) What does the poet encounter while wandering? Where does he encounter them?
Ans.  The poet encountered a large number of golden daffodils while wandering. He encountered them under the trees, on the bank of the lake.

(iii) Why do you think the poet refers to the daffodils as golden?
The daffodils were yellow and they were shining in the sun like gold, therefore, the poet refers to the daffodils as golden.

(iv) Discuss the importance of the following lines with reference to the poem:
“Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”

Ans. These lines personify the beautiful daffodils as fluttering and dancing along the riverside. These lines are important as it was the daffodils’ lively appearance that captivated the poet.

(v) Which figure of speech is used in the following lines? How many daffodils do you think the poet saw? Give a reason for your answer.“When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils,”

The figure of speech used by the poet is hyperbole. He saw a host of daffodils, which means there were nearly ten thousand of them. It is exaggeration/hyperbolic expression. He might have seen a few hundred of them.


II. Read the extract given below and answer the question that follows:

(i) How are the daffodils compared to the stars?
The poet uses a simile to compare the daffodils to the stars on the milky way. As an infinite number of stars shine on the milky way, so a multitude of golden daffodils grew along the edge of the lake.

(ii) What is the milky way? Why is it referred to in the extract? Milky way is a galaxy(continuity) of stars that stretches like a band across the sky. It is referred to in the extract to compare the beauty of flowers and the infinite number of stars to the infinite number of daffodils.

(iii) What is meant by the margin of the bay

Ans. The margin of the bay means the edge of the lake.

(iv) State how the technique of using exaggeration heightens the poetic effect in the extract?
Ans. The poet has exaggerated the number of daffodils by calling them a crowd, a host and continuous as the stars on the milky way. It gives us a picture of infinite stars growing along the bank of the lake as far as the poet could see. The use of such exaggeration thus heightens the poetic effect.

Daffodils is a lyric poem. The word ‘lyric’ is derived from ‘lyre’, and it implies that the poem is meant to be sung to the accompaniment of the lyre. The rhyming pattern followed in this poem is that in each stanza the first line rhymes with the third; the second with the fourth; and the fifth with sixth. Each stanza ends with a rhyming couplet. The poem particularly illustrates musical quality in the poem, the poet describes that there is continue row of daffodils in the sky that is scattered in the whole of the sky who are looking endless in the sky, And coming just like ten thousand flowers and dancing and coming together.


III. Read the extract given below and answer the question that follows:

 The waves in the lake were glistening with joy, but the daffodils danced along with them. This spirit of daffodils showed immense joy, happiness and pleasure on its part that exceeded the excitement of waves too.

2. What is meant by a jocund company? Which jocund company is the poet referring to? Why does the poet find it jocund?
A jocund company means happy and cheerful company. The poet talks about the jocund company of golden daffodils and dancing waves. They all were jocund because they danced merrily without a pause.

3. Which wealth referred to by the poet? Explain how the wealth was brought to the poet?
The wealth which is referred to here by the poet means the wealth of joy and happiness; which actually comes from happy and fond memories when the poet saw a host of golden daffodils by the side of the lake beneath the trees. It was the wealth these scenes had brought to the poet.

4. What is the mood of the poet in the above extract? Which lines tell you so? Why is he in such a mood?
The poet is in a happy and cheerful mood. The lines 'A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company' tells us that he was very happy. The feeling of the oneness with nature that the poet has experienced in seeing lovely and dancing daffodils, is the reason for his happiness. The daffodils and the waves were happy and their happiness was infectious. It made him happy too.

5. With reference to the above extract, state why Wordsworth can be called nature poet.
Nature was the source of all joy for Wordsworth. Nature for him was a living personality just like a teacher, a guardian and a nurse. Wordsworth is a nature poet, a fact known to every reader of Wordsworth. He is a supreme worshipper of Nature. Nature has a pivotal position in his poetry. He liked to wander in woods, valleys and over the hills. He loved and admired the scenes of nature. and described them beautifully in his poems.

IV. Read the extract given below and answer the question that follows:

1. What happens to the poet when he lies down on his couch in a pensive mood?
When the poet lies down on his couch in a pensive mood, the memory of the scene of dancing daffodils flashes on his mind. He feels he is again in the company of happy daffodils and it makes his heart dance with them again.

2. What is the "bliss of solitude" referred to in the extract? How does the bliss of solitude take place?
The bliss of solitude is referred to the paradise the poet finds himself in as soon as the image of golden daffodils flashes before his eye. His loneliness is overtaken by the image of daffodils which make him feel as if he were dancing along with the daffodils. The bliss of solitude comes to him in the form of the memory of dancing daffodils when he is alone, sad and in a thoughtful mood.

3. Explain the transition from poet’s pensive mood to his heart filled with joy.
The poet says that when he lies down on his couch in a pensive mood, the images of the golden daffodils flashes before him and changes his mood. The poet, who was lonely at the beginning of the poem, experiences "the bliss of solitude" by the end. He then feels calm and refreshed. This is how nature influences him. The memory of the daffodils fills his heart with joy and he feels as if his heart were dancing with the daffodils

4. With reference to the last two lines of the extract, state the influence that nature can have over an individual’s mind.
In the last two lines of the poem, the poet William Wordsworth want to say that the thought of the flowers dancing when the breeze blows can have influence over an individual's minds as whenever the person is in a bad mood the thought of the flowers whenever will come in the person's mind will make him happy and remove the feeling of loneliness from his mind.

5. Wordsworth says that poetry is "the overflow of feelings arising from emotions recollected in tranquillity." In this context, state how the poem shows the truth of his statement.
Wordsworth idea of poetry is that it originates from the overflow of feelings, recollected in tranquillity. This means that the poet observes some object. It sets off powerful emotions in his mind. The poets let them sink into his mind. At a moment later, he recollects those emotions in tranquillity and produces a poem. The poem Daffodils clearly explains this definition of poetry. The poet saw a beautiful scene of dancing daffodils. He was filled with joy. At a later moment when he was alone (in tranquillity), he recollected that scene. He felt the bliss again and the result is this poem.


  1. Thanks a lot for the answers!
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