Tempest ACT 1 Scene 1 Workbook Solution

Tempest ACT 1 Scene 1 Workbook Solution, Tempest morning star, tempest xavier pinto, Tempest ISC 2021-2022. tempest important question for board exam,

Tempest ACT 1 Scene 1 Workbook Solution, Tempest morning star, tempest Xavier pinto, Tempest ISC 2021-2022. tempest important question for the board exam, Tempest workbook solution by Xavier pinto pdf, tempest workbook answers by Xavier pinto the tempest workbook answers morning star pdf tempest workbook answers by Xavier pinto act 1 scene 1 tempest workbook answers act 4 scene 1 tempest workbook answers act 1 scene 2 the tempest workbook answers pdf act 1 scene 1 tempest workbook answers act 3 scene 1 tempest workbook answers act 5 scene 1

Extract No. 1

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Gonzalo.  Good, yet .........
Boatswain None that I more love.......... , I say.

(i)  Who are the royal people abroad the ship?

Ans: The royal people on the ship are Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Ferdinand, Gonzalo, Stephano, etc.

(ii) What has the boatswain said just before the extract about these people?

Ans: Boatswain said that I’m only wound up because the sea’s wound up. Now get out of here! Do you think these waves care anything about kings and officials? Go to your cabins and be quiet! Don’t bother us up here.

(iii) What does the boatswain request Gonzalo to do?

Ans: Boatswain request Gonzalo that You’re a king’s advisor. If you can order the storm to calm down, we can all put down our ropes and rest. Go ahead, use your authority. If you can’t do it, be grateful you’ve lived this long and go wait to die in your cabin.

(iv) What is referred to as the mischance of the hour? How could they save themselves from the mischance?

Ans: The mischance of the hour refers to the possibility that the ship might sink in the storm.
They can save themselves from the mischance by staying calm inside the cabin and by praying to God to save them and by not disturbing boatswain and other mariners who are finding the solution to save them from this storm.

(iv) What role does the sea storm play in the development of the plot?

Ans: The storm gives the play its title. The scene is of vital importance since the fate of the ship and its passengers is uncertain. The dramatist manages to depict the fright of the royal entourage with remarkable skill.The scene of sea storm ends on a hopeless note, leaving the audience in suspense about the fate of the ship and its passengers.

(v) Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:
      (a) Counsellor                                                       (b) elements

Ans: (a)King's advisor (b)element here refers to winds, waves, ocean, etc

Extract No. 2

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Gonzalo.  I have great comfort from this fellow:.....is miserable

(i) Who is this fellow referred to in the extract? Why does Gonzalo have great comfort from him?

Ans: Boatswain is the person referred to here. Gonzalo feels great comfort from the boatswain because according to him there are signs on his face to show that he will die by hanging, not by drowning. Thus he is not likely to be drowned, and with him aboard, the ship will also be saved.

(ii) What has this fellow asked the passengers to do?

Ans: The fellow here refers to the boatswain. He asked the passengers to go the cabin silently and thank god that they have lived so long.

(iii) Where does this scene take place? Describe the chaos and confusion in the scene.

Ans: This scene takes place onboard a ship at the sea. There was a storm blow in on the sea accompanied by thunder and lightning. The passengers on the ship were frightened and lost their hopes for survival. They were panicked and frustrated and thus could not maintain a clear state of mind. They were confused about what shall they do to save themselves.

(iv) In the modern times confusion and chaos is shown on the stage by using modern equipment. How didi Shakespear produce such an effect on the stage?

Ans: Shakespeare produced such an effect by the use of cymbals and drums. The sailors yell or the frightened shouts were made by the actors off stage. Most importantly the effect of the storm on the characters onboard the ship created such an effect.

(v) Why did the passenger travel in the ship? What was their condition during the tempest?

Ans: The passengers were traveling in the ship because they were returning after Caribel's (The king Alonso's daughter) marriage to the king of Tunis, Africa, through the sea. They were frightened and frustrated and had lost their hope for survival.

(vi) Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:
      (a) drowning-mark                                                           (b) advantage

Ans: (a) Indication of death by drowning (b) benefit


Extract No. 3

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Boatswain  Down with the topmast!------ Sink?
Sebastian A Plague o' your------ dog!

(i) What is the boatswain trying to do? How does the extract show that the people were in danger during the tempest?

Ans: Boatswain is trying to have control over the ship and bring the ship to the main course as the ship was drifting towards the rocky coast and save the life of the passengers. The extract shows that the people were in danger during the tempest because all were crying, and were tensed and frightened because of the fear of being drowned.

(ii) How can you say from this scene that Shakespeare had a sound knowledge of a ship at sea?

Ans:  The scene has many terms of seamanship which shows Shakespeare's familiarity with the subject. The graphic picture of a ship drifting towards the rocky coast or an island, the action to be taken by the sailors to keep the ship under control suggest that Shakespeare had a sound knowledge of the ship at sea.

(iii) Judging from his speech, what sort of man is Boatswain?

Ans: Boatswain is a confident person. He is confident in his work but he is a highly disrespectful and insolent person as he talks to the royal party in a discourteous way

(iv) Who are Sebastian, Antonio and Gonzalo?

Ans: Sebastian is the brother of Alonso, the King of Naples. Antonio is Prospero's brother, whereas Gonzalo is an honest courtier of King Alonso.

(v) Compare the character of Sebastian with that of Gonzalo.

Ans: Sebastian is the brother of King Alonso. He is a villain. He becomes a partner with Antonio in the conspiracy against his brother, Alonso, whereas Gonzalo is an honest courtier at the Court of King Alonso. He is sympathetic in nature and loyal to his King. When Alonso is sad at the supposed loss of his son, Gonzalo tries to console him.

(vi) Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:
      (a) Plague                                                                      (b) blasphemous

Ans: (a)curse upon (b) taking irrelevantly


Extract No. 4

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Antonio  Hanger, cur..... thou art
Gonzalo  I'll warrant him.... nutshell
Boatswain Lay her a-hold... courses!
Mariners All lost! to .... all lost!

(i) Who is the insolent noise-maker? what is he busy doing? Why is Antonia talking to him impatiently?

Ans: Boatswain is the insolent noisemaker. Boatswain is commanding the sailors to handle the rope and protect the ship from getting stuck into shallow water. He is guiding the sailors to bring the topmast down to be in the direction of the wind and sea. Antonio is talking to the boatswain impatiently because he is not satisfied with the efforts of Boatswain and he thinks that the ship is going to drown.

(ii) Why is Gonzalo confident that the boatswain will not die by drowning?

Ans: Gonzalo is confident that the boatswain will not die by drowning, because according to him there are no signs on Boatswain's face that show that he will not die by drowning. His face shows that he will die by hanging even if the ship were no stronger than a nutshell.

(iii) What is the attitude of the following towards the danger in the ship?
        (a)  Antonio                                                                      (b) Gonzalo

(a) Antonio shows negative signs. He is devoid of human feelings. He says that they are going to die because of these drunkard sailors. 

(b) Gonzalo is optimistic and calm. He is confident that the boatswain will not die by drowning, because according to him there are no signs of drowning on Boatswain's face.

(iv) How do the following react to the shipwreck?
      (a) Boatswain                                                                   (b) Mariners

Ans: (a) Boatswain: The boatswain shows his authority on the ship. He is worried about his Life. When passengers interfere in his work, he orders them to go back to their cabin. He finally resorts himself to his fate. (b) Mariners: Mariners put up with difficulty till the end by trying to save the ship. At last, they lose all their hope of survival and begin to pray to God to save them.

(v) How does Shakespeare create an atmosphere of a fierce storm in the scene?

Ans: The scene is not very tragic despite the terrible storm and the fact that so many lives are at stake. Shakespeare lets us know that he does not want us to be too serious because he makes use of subtle dramatic devices like the boatswain ignoring royal presence amidst the storm and the devastating wit of Gonzalo. There are suspense and danger presented by the storm. But Gonzalo's satire relieves it to a great extent.

(vi)Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:
      (a) insolent                                                                      (b) warrant

Ans: (a) rude (b) assure


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