Julius Caesar Workbook answer ACT 1 SCENE 3

workbook solution of Julius Caesar act 1 scene 3 by William Shakespeare, You will get complete Julius caesar beeta publication workbook

This article comprises of workbook solution of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, You will get complete Julius Caesar Beeta publication workbook question answers of Act 1 Scene 3, Julius Caesar Workbook answer ACT 1 SCENE 2

I.Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:

Are you not moved when all the sway of earth
Shakes like a thing infirm? O Cicero,
I have seen tempests when the scolding winds
Have rived the knotty oaks, and I have seen
Th’ ambitious ocean swell and rage and foam
To be exalted with the threat’ning clouds;
But never till to-night, never till now,
Did I go through a tempest dropping fire.

i) Where is Casca at the time? In what state has he come there? To whom is he speaking?

Ans: Casca is in a public place in Rome at this time. He has come there in a state of breathless and staring. The unnatural events that he has seen and the storm that has broken out have unnerved him nad driven him out of his wits. He is speaking to Cecero, a prominent Roman politician and orator.

ii) Give the meaning of the following:  
a) all the sway of earth/Shakes like a thing unfirm?

Ans: The phrase “all the sway of earth/Shakes like a thing unfirm” means that the entire earth is shaking as if it is unstable and unreliable. Here, Casa says that the entire realm of the earth shakes like an unsteady unsettled object.

b ) The ambitious ocean swell and rage and foam, To be exalted with the threatening clouds.

Ans: The phrase “To ambitious ocean swell and rage and foam, / To be exalted with the threatening clouds” means that the ocean is rising and becoming agitated, as if it is trying to match the fury of the storm clouds.

iii)What are the “scolding winds”? What did they do?

Ans: The “scolding winds” are strong, harsh winds of the storm. The scolding winds were so strong that they tore apart the large oak tree and raised the sea up to the cloud.

iv) What did Casca see which he had never seen in his life earlier? What does he conclude immediately after the extract about the calamities?

Ans: What Casca saw that night, never seen in his life earlier, was a tempest dropping fire; that is, a storm raining down lightning and thunderbolts. This might have caused fires all around so that it resed tempest was dropping fire.
casca gives two probable reasons for such an unnatural event. Either there is a civil strife in heaven, or else the world too rude to the gods has made them angry enough to send destruction.

v)What is the next day supposed to be? Why will it be a fatal day? Who had warned about that day?

Ans: The next day is the Ides of March the day when Caesar is to be crowned king. It is the day Caesar is assassinated. It will be a fatal day because that is the day on which the conspirators, led by Brutus and Cassius, will assassinate Caesar in order to prevent him from being crowned king of Rome. In Act I, Scene ii, when Caesar is on his way to the games on the Feast of Lupercal, a soothsayer warns Caesar about that day, telling him: Beware the ides of March."

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II.Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:

Why, saw you anything more wonderful?
A common slave (you know him well by sight)
Held up his left hand, which did flame and burn
Like twenty torches joined; and yet his hand,
Not sensible of fire, remained unscorch'd.

i)Narrate in your own words the "wonderful" sight seen by Casca as given in the extract.

Ans: A slave held up his left hand which caught fire and burned as bright as twenty torches, despite that his hand not feeling the fire, remained unburnt by the fire. This was the "wonderful" sight seen by Casca.

ii) Besides the sight referred to in (i) above, describe three unnatural sights that Casca narrates after this extract.

Ans: Casca witnessed three unnatural sights:-
  • He narrates that a lion arrogantly stares at him and passes by in "surely" without injuring him. 
  • There were hundreds of terrible-looking women, who were petrified, huddled in fear swearing they saw men in fire walking the streets.
  • The previous day, an owl hooted at the marketplace at noon.

iii)What does Casca believe about the unnatural events? How is his belief used by Cassius to make him join the conspirators?

Ans: Casca believes that these unnatural events are a sign of something terrible about to happen. He interprets them as a message from the gods. He thinks that the gods are angry and are trying to warn the people of Rome. Cassius uses Casca’s belief to his advantage, convincing him that these events are a sign that Caesar must be stopped before he becomes too powerful.

iv)In what way is Casca's belief a contrast to the one expressed by Cicero about these events?

Ans: For Casca, these unnatural events are a sign from the gods. He is breathless and staring, frightened by what he has seen. But for Cicero, they are marvelous things he is not scared. is less whether or not the storm is any more than bad weather. He remains uncommitted over this issue, just as he is to remain uncommitted over the conspiracy to kill

v) What impact do these strange things have on Caesar, as well as on the audience?

Ans: Caesar was unaffected by th strange things, and continues on with his plans for the future. Only his sleep was disturbed. The audience would be at the edge of their seats, frightened waiting for something terrible to happen.

 Julius Caesar Act 1 Scene 1 workbook answers

III.Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:

I know where I will wear this dagger then;
Cassius from bondage will deliver Cassius.
Therein, ye gods, you make the weak most strong;
Therein, ye gods, you tyrants do defeat.
Nor stony tower, nor walls of beaten brass,
Nor airless dungeon, nor strong links of iron,
Can be retentive to the strength of spirit;

i)What were a group of people planning on the following day, which makes Cassius say that he would "wear this dagger, then"? How does Cassius try to prevent that plan from being put into operation?

Ans:  The Roman senate, who are planning to crown Caesar as king on the following day. Caesar will wear his crown eveywhere on sea and on land except in Italy. 
Cassius has hatched the conspiracy. He tries to prevent this plan by convincing Brutus to join the conspiracy and to assassinate Caesar before he can become too powerful. this way Cassius try to prevent that plan for being put into operation.

ii) Why did Cassius say earlier that the Romans now do not have manly courage?

Ans: Romans have become submissive and passive. Cassius belives that they lost their sense of honour and their independence, hence Cassius says that the Romans now do not have manly courage.

iii) Give the meaning of the following
(a) Cassius from bondage will deliver Cassius...
(b)Therein, ye gods, you tyrants do defeat.

Ans: (a) “Cassius from bondage will deliver Cassius” means that Cassius will free himself from the bondage of Caesar’s tyranny by taking action and conspiring against him.
(b) “Therein ye gods, you tyrants do defeat” means that the gods will defeat the tyrants who seek to oppress the people and take away their freedom.

iv) What does Cassius say about the "strength of the spirit" in the extract?

Ans: Cassius says that the Neither towers nor brass walls nor dungeons nor strong iron chains, nothing can Imprison a determined spirit.

v) How does Cassius show in the extract that he is a zealous lover of freedom and democracy?

Ans: If Caesar were to become king, it would be the signal for Cassius to take his own life. He says neither stormy towers nor brass walls, nor dungeons nor strong iron chains could imprison his determined spirit. He believes that the Roman people deserve to have a say in their government and that they should not be ruled by a single person.

Julius Caesar Act 1 Scene 2 workbook answers

IV.Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:

And why should Caesar be a tyrant then?
Poor man! I know he would not be a wolf
But that he sees the Romans are but sheep;
He were no lion, were not Romans hinds.
Those that with haste will make a mighty fire
Behind it with weak straws. What trash is Rome,
What rubbish and what offal, when it serves
For the base matter to illuminate
So vile a thing as Caesar!

i)Who is referred to as a "poor man"? On what condition he would not have been a wolf or a lion?

Ans: Caesar is referred as a "poor man". He would not have been a wolf or lion had Romans not been slaves like sheep or deer.

ii)Explain how the sentence "Those that... weak straws" refers to Caesar. In what way is Caesar "vile" in the eyes of Cassius?

Ans: The sentence “those that with haste will make a mighty fire, begin it with weak straws” refers to Caesar because Cassius is saying that despite Caesar’s seemingly insignificant and weak appearance, he has managed to gain power and influence. Cassius considers Caesar “vile” because he believes that Caesar is no better than any other man and does not deserve to be in a position of power over others.

iii)Does Cassius blame Caesar or Rome? Give three reasons given by him for the greatness of Caesar at this time.

Ans: Cassius blames Rome for allowing Caesar to rise to power. He argues that Caesar has become great because Rome has allowed it. Cassius gives three reasons for Caesar’s greatness: Caesar is a great warrior; he has defeated his enemies in battle, and he is generous.

iv)What does Casca extend to Cassius as a sign of fellowship? What does he say he is willing to do?

Ans: Casca shakes Cassius' hand as a sign of fellowship. He promises to get involved as much as the boldest of all does.

v)What appointment must Cassius and Casca keep later that night? Where will these friends meet? What will be the purpose of their meeting?

Ans: Cassius and Casca must keep an appointment to meet and plan a honourable but dangerous enterprise These friend will meet at Pompey's porch, a theatre built by Pompey, and the purpose of their meeting is to finalize their plans for the assassination of Caesar.

Julius Caesar Act 1 Scene 3 workbook answers

V.Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:

I am glad on’t. What a fearful night is this!
There’s two or three of us have seen strange sights.
Am I not stayed for? Tell me.
Yes, you are. O Cassius, if you could
But win the noble Brutus to our party —
Be you content. Good Cinna, take this paper

i)Where are Cinna and Cassius at this juncture? Who else was with them? Why?

Ans: Cinna and Cassius are at a street in Rome. Casca  was with them, Casca and Cassius were discussing the strange occurrences and Cassius had convinced Casca to join their conglomerate.

ii)Why does Cinna say, "I am glad on't? Why was he here?

Ans: Cassius informed Cinna that Casea has united with  their group of conspirators.. He was there to take letters for Brutus to find,  in an attempt to persuade him to join their conspiracy.

iii) Earlier in this scene, which other person describes the "fearful night"? Mention two "strange sights" this person had seen.

Ans: Casca is the person who describes the “fearful night”. For Casca, the storm is a sign from the gods. He is breathless and staring, frightened by what he has seen: fire falling from the sky; a slave whose hand burnt brilliantly but without any physical effect on the hand itself; tales of men covered in
fire walking the streets. There are other prodigies too: a lion harmlessly wandering near the Capitol, an owl hooting and shrieking in the market-place at midday. And, all the time, lightning is flashing and thunder crashing.(given many example can use any two)

iv)Explain "stay'd for". Point out clearly why Cassius asks the question: "Am not stay'd for?

 Ans: 'Stay'd for' means waited for. Cassius asks whether someone is waiting for him, probably in reference its the meeting of the conspirator in Pompey's porch.

v)Why was Cinna eager for Brutus to join their party? What does Cassius have in mind when he says, "Be you content"? What does he now instruct Cinna to do in connection with Brutus?

Ans: Cinna is eager for Brutus to join the party because Brutus is believed to be the noblest Roman and is highly respected. His support would make the plot to assassinate Caesar honourable. When Cassius say "Be your content" Cassius believes he has convinced Brutus to join the conspiracy. He instructs Cinna to leave letters where Brutus might find them — at his window, at Junius Brutus' statue, the praetor's chair, where Brutus will find them, in the hope that he will read them and join their cause.

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