With The Photographer Question Answers | Treasurer Chest Story - Evergreen

With The Photographer Question Answers | Treasurer Chest Story - Evergreen including mcq
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In "With the Photographer," Stephen Leacock recounts his hilarious and frustrating experience getting a portrait taken. Driven by the morbid thought of leaving his friends with no memory after his demise, he ventures out to capture his essence on film.

The story opens with a melancholic Leacock, contemplating his mortality. He decides a photograph would be the perfect memento for his friends, a way for them to remember him "in the cold years that are to come." However, his initial enthusiasm is dampened upon entering the photographer's studio. The place is described as dull and lifeless, mirroring the photographer himself – a stooped and unenthusiastic man.

Leacock is subjected to a long, tedious wait, forced to endure a collection of outdated magazines. Finally, he's ushered into a dimly lit room and positioned on a stool. The photographer, shrouded in mystery within his giant camera, emerges with a critical eye. Dissatisfied with the initial shot, he launches into a series of bizarre and comical actions.

The room is transformed into a chaotic mess. Curtains are ripped down, a contraption resembling a fishing rod is used to manipulate the light, and Leacock is contorted into unnatural poses – all in pursuit of the perfect picture. The photographer's pronouncements are equally absurd. He declares Leacock's natural browline "too low" and expresses a strange obsession with getting the ears right.

Leacock endures these tribulations with a mixture of exasperation and amusement. He questions the photographer's methods but ultimately submits to his eccentric expertise. However, the true horror unfolds when Leacock is presented with the final product. The man staring back from the photograph is a stranger – a handsome, well-coiffed individual with a completely different facial structure. Leacock barely recognizes himself.

The photographer, oblivious to Leacock's disappointment, defends his artistic license. He claims to have "improved" upon Leacock's natural features, creating a more aesthetically pleasing image. Leacock is left speechless, robbed of not only a likeness but also the very essence he hoped to capture.

The story concludes with a poignant twist. Leacock resigns himself to the fact that his friends will have no true picture of him after his demise. However, he finds solace in the thought that they will at least remember him as he truly was – a man with a unique face and a good sense of humor, forever marked by the experience with the outrageous photographer.

1. Text-based Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

  1. c
  2. b
  3. a
  4. c
  5. c
  1. c
  2. b
  3. a
  4. b
  5. b
  1. d
  2. d
  3. a
  4. b
  5. c

2. Comprehension Passages


The photographer looked at me without enthusiasm. He was a drooping man in a grey suit, with dim eyes of a natural scientist. But there is no need to describe him.
Everybody knows what a photographer is like.

(I) Why do you think the photographer did not look at the narrator with enthusiasm?
Ans: The photographer did not look at the narrator with enthusiasm because the narrator’s face had no attraction for him. He thought that the narrator's face was wrong for a photograph.

(ii) Why did the narrator not feel fit to describe the photographer?
Ans: The narrator’s attitude towards the photographer is that of dislike and displeasure. The narrator likely didn't feel fit to describe the photographer because they believed that the photographer's appearance and demeanour were so universally recognizable that detailed description was unnecessary. The narrator suggests that everyone knows what a photographer looks like, implying that the photographer conforms to a stereotype or archetype that requires no further elaboration.

(iii) What was the narrator's experience with the photographer?
Ans: The narrator’s experience with the photographer was quite depressing and uninspiring. It suggests a routine interaction, possibly for the purpose of having their photograph taken, without any notable or memorable events occurring during the encounter.

(iv) What tells you about the appearance of the photographer?
Ans: The narrator describes the photographer as a man having the eyes of a natural scientist. He looked drooping in his grey suit.

(v) How did the narrator spend his time while waiting for the photographers?
Ans: The narrator spent his time reading Ladies Companion for 1912, the Girls Magazine for 1902 and the Infants Journal for 1888 while waiting for the photographer.


He was only in it a second, -just time enough for one look at me, -and then he was out again, tearing at the cotton sheet and the window panes with a hooked stick, apparently frantic for light and air.

(i) Who is 'he' here in the extract? Was 'he' at peace with himself?
Ans: In this extract ‘he’ refers to the photographer. Based on the described behaviour of tearing at the cotton sheet and the window panes with a hooked stick, it doesn't seem like he is at peace with himself. His frantic actions suggest agitation or discomfort, rather than a state of calmness or peace.

(ii) What do you think of the studio where the photographer was to take the narrator's photograph?
Ans: The studio where the photographer was to take a photograph of the narrator was a dimly lighted and suffocating place. The mention of tearing at the cotton sheet and the window panes with a hooked stick implies that the studio might be poorly maintained or lacking in proper ventilation. This could suggest that the studio environment is not conducive to a comfortable or pleasant experience for either the photographer or the narrator.

(iii) What was the photographer trying to do in his studio?
Ans: The photographer was trying to take a photograph of the narrator. He is trying to improve the lighting in his studio and adjusting the camera for this purpose.

(iv) What was the photographer's reaction when he came out of the black cloth for the camera?
Ans: He looked quite grave but dissatisfied with the narrator’s face. He expresses his anguish saying that the face is quite wrong.

(v) What was thought to be the problem with the face of the narrator?
Ans: It was thought that the face of the narrator was wrong for not being photogenic. The photographer wanted to make several improvements in it to make it attractive in the photograph.


"I'm sure it would," I said enthusiastically, for I was glad to find that the man had such a human side to him. "So would yours. In fact," I continued, "how many faces one sees that are apparently hard, narrow, limited but the minute you get them three-quarters full they get wide, large, almost boundless in --"

(I) What was the narrator sure of?
Ans: The narrator was sure of his face not being photogenic.

(ii) "The man had such a human side to him". What does the narrator wish to convey about the man?
Ans: The narrator here wants to convey that the photographer understands human limitations and helps in making good pictures even of those who do not have photogenic faces.

(iii) How are the faces of human beings made to look better and how much?
Ans: Photographers use their technical skills to make human faces look better in photographs. The faces of human beings are made to look better when photographed three-quarters full. When captured from this angle, faces that may initially appear hard, narrow, and limited suddenly appear wide, large, and almost boundless.

(iv) What is the tone of the narrator when he says that human faces are made to look better?
Ans: The tone of the narrator when saying that human faces are made to look better is enthusiastic and positive.

(v) Did the photographer himself need some improvement in his face or mind? How do you know?
Ans: The photographer himself needed some improvement in his mind as he does not behave well with the narrator. He needs to learn how to behave politely with a customer. His face also seems to need improvement as pointed out by the narrator.


"The ears are bad," he said; "droop them a little more. Thank you. Now the eyes. Roll them in under the lids. Put the hands on the knees, please, and turn the face just a little upward. yes, that's better.

(i) Which body features are asked to be improved upon and how?
Ans: The eyes, the ears, knees and the face are the features of the narrator that the photographer wants to improve. The tone of the speaker here is authoritative and commanding.

(ii) Do you think the narrator is happy and satisfied with the photographer?
Ans: No, the narrator is not happy with the photographer. He expresses his irritation and dislike against the photographer time and again. He even leaves his photograph with him.

(iii) Which things other than the one mentioned later in the context are to be set right?
Ans:  The narrator suggests that apart from his mouth, face, eyes, eyebrows etc., the photographer should put his own attitude right and not distort the originality of the photograph.

(iv) Did all these body features of the narrator meet the due approval of the photographer? how so you know?
Ans: No, the features of the narrator did not meet the photographer’s approval. He rather had a keen desire to improve upon them in the photograph using his own skills and different chemicals.

(v) What does it tell you about the photographer's art?
Ans: The conversation in the extract indicates that the art of a photographer is not very simple and easy. A photographer wants to use his art to make the objects look more beautiful than they are in reality. For this purpose, a photographer does not hesitate in distorting the reality.


"Stop, "I said with emotion but, I think, with dignity. "This face is my face. It is not yours, it is mine. I've lived with it for forty years and I know it's faults. I know it's out of drawing. I know it wasn't made for me, but it's my face , the only one I have -"

(I) Who is the speaker here? Who is he talking to? What is the occasion?
Ans: The speaker here is the narrator. He is talking to a photographer. He talks to the photographer on the occasion of his visit to get his photograph clicked.

(ii) What prompted the speaker to say, "It is not Yours, it is mine"?
Ans: The photographer pointed out several drawbacks in the narrator’s face. He told the narrator that his face needed improvement. It prompted the narrator to say that it was his own face and not of the photographer that he was suggesting an alteration in it.

(iii) What is the stone of speaker?
Ans: The tone of the speaker is full of anger and irritation.

(iv) What does the extract tell about the narrator's present mood?
Ans: The extract suggests that the narrator's present mood is one of emotional intensity combined with a sense of dignity and self- acceptance.

(v) The narrator seems to assert some ides.
Ans: The narrator here tries to convey the idea that one must accept and appreciate one’s original self. It is better to be natural than being artificial and distorted.


The photographer backend me in. I thought he seemed quite and graver than before. I think, too, there was a certain pride in his manner.
He unfolded the proof of a large photograph, and we both looked at it in silence.
"is it me?" I asked.

(i) Where was the narrator asked to come?
Ans: The narrator was asked to come inside the studio of the photographer. He was invited there by the photographer ti view the proof of his photograph.

(ii) What made the photographer feel proud of?
Ans: The photographer was proud of the proof of a large photograph of the narrator. He was to further work on it to develop the photograph.

(iii) Both the photographer and the narrator looked at the proof of the photograph in silence. Why do you think both were silent?
Ans: Both of them were silent while looking at the proof of the photograph. The narrator was silent because he was surprised to see the negative that hardly resembled his face. The photographer was quite proud of his achievement in making the negative of the narrator’s photograph and this pride turned him silent.

(iv) What was the narrator's reaction on seeing his photograph?
Ans: The narrator’s reaction on looking at his photograph was full of disbelief and surprise.

(v) What more changes did the photographer want to make in thee final finish of the photograph?
Ans: The photographer wanted to make changes in the eyebrows and the hair. According to him the mouth, the hair on the skull and his face, all were to be adjusted and changed in the final finish of the photograph.


"Yes," said the photographer thoughtfully, "that's so; but I can fix that all right in the print. We have a process now - the sulphide - for removing the ears entirely. I'll see if --"
(I) What had not been tempered with as far as the body features were concerned?
Ans:  As far as the body features were concerned, the ears had not been tampered with by the photographer.

(ii) To which question of the narrator does the photographer say 'yes' ? Did he agree to improve improve upon the picture by changing the ears.
Ans: The writer says that the ears in the photograph were similar to those of his own in reality. He wanted to know if the photographer would make any changes to them also. The photographer says ‘yes’ when asked about this. Yes, he agreed to improve upon the picture by changing the ears.

(iii) Which body features had the photographer retouchjed to make them look better?
Ans: The photographer had retouched the eyes and mouth to make them look better in the picture. he also removed the eyebrows new ones were added while the hair line had been shifted to the back.

(iv)How do the photographer bring about changes in a photograph that looks completely different from the original?
Ans:  The photographers use the process called Delphide and Sulphide to make changes in a photograph so that it looks completely different from the original.

(v) How did the narrator blast the photographer later?
Ans: The narrator later expressed his anger by not accepting the photograph. He harshly criticised the alteration usedexpressing that the result was distorin of his true self. He left it with the photographer.


"Coat it with an inch of gloss, shad it, emboss it, gild it, till even you acknowledged that it is finished. Then when you have done all that - keep it for yourself and your friends. They may value it. To me it is but a worthless bauble."

(I) What is the narrator's reaction opn his photograph in his next visit?
Ans: The narrator’s reaction on his second visit is that of anger and frustration. He asks the photographer to keep the photograph with him.

(ii) Mention at least three different processes with the help of which the photographer effect facial features.
Ans: The photographers change features in a photograph by using processes like, Delphide(for adding new features), and Sulphide(for removing unwanted portion) and techniques like glossing, shading, embrossing and gliding to give a final touch to the photgraphs.

(iii) Does the narrator approve of techniques of the photographers in bringing about changes in the original photograph ?
Ans: The narrator does not approve of the techniques of the photographers in bringing changes in the original photograph. He expresses his dislike for this in clear terms and leaves the photograph with the photographer as it was not the original one.

(iv) What you justify the narrator's viewpoint or the photographer's? Why?
Ans: We would support the narrator’s viewpoint because one should always accept reality instead of artificiality and falsehood.

(v) Why does the narrator call the photographer a worthless 'bauble'?
Ans:  The narrator calls the photograph a worthless bauble as it did not capture his real
and original features. It was artificial and distorted.

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